Recovering Spatial Structure

I'm interested in a project in the philosophy of physics of treating spacetime as an emergent feature of the world instead of something fundamental.

My goal here was to show that we can recover the geometrical arrangement of the world given the laws and a rich enough set of events. Here, I've used a simple mosaic world in which every 'pixel' has two quantities that I visualize with colors. The simple law of nature is that the value of the second quantity is the average of nearby quantity-1 values.

This little proof of concept initializes a random 5x5 array of pixels, determines the quantity-2 values, and then shuffles the pixels.

Then we show it's possible to reconstruct the original arrangement by finding the unique arrangement that satisfies our law.

In [3]:
% matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import itertools
import time
In [4]:
class Color_world:
    # creates a randomized color world! This is a world of xsize x ysize 
    # pixels. Each pixel has *two* quantity values between 0 and 1. 
    # The first quantity q1 is initiallized randomly. The second, q2, is determined
    # by the average of the q1 values of neighboring pixels, where each
    # pixel 3 (corners), 5(sides), or 8 neighbors.
    def __init__(self):
    def initialize_random(self,xsize,ysize):
        self.xsize = xsize
        self.ysize = ysize = np.zeros((xsize,ysize,2))[:,:,0] = np.random.random((xsize,ysize))
    def initialize(self,world): = world
        self.xsize = len(world)  # the width of 
        self.ysize = len(world[0])
    def pixel_law(self):
        for i, row in enumerate(
            for j, pixel in enumerate(row):
                pixel[1] = mean_neighbors(i,j,

    def draw(self):
        q1 = [[el[0] for el in row] for row in]
        q2 = [[el[1] for el in row] for row in]

        plt.title('World q1:')
        plt.title('World q2:')
In [5]:
# A bunch of global functions here.

def mean_neighbors(i,j,f):
    # return mean of q1 in neighbors around i,j in world f
    total,cells = 0,0
    maxx = len(f)-1
    maxy = len(f[0])-1
    for x in (i-1,i,i+1):
        for y in (j-1,j,j+1):
            if not (x>maxx or y>maxy) and not (x<0 or y<0) and not (x==i and y==j):
                total += f[x][y][0]
                cells += 1
    return total/cells

def shuffler(w):
    # takes a world, returns a randomly shuffled array of pixels
    shuffled = []
    for row in w:
        for el in row:
    return shuffled

def reconstruct(w):
    # the business! given a pixel array, it finds all the possible neighborhoods
    #, then for each pixel, finds the neighborhood that satisfies pixel_law
    # It returns a list of [pixel, neighborhood] pairs.
    start = time.time()
    neighborhoods = []
    corner_nhoods = list(itertools.combinations(w,3))
    side_nhoods = list(itertools.combinations(w,5))
    middle_nhoods = list(itertools.combinations(w,8))
    nhoods = [corner_nhoods,side_nhoods,middle_nhoods]
    for i, el in enumerate(w):
        # go through the pixels of w, and find the correct nhood
        el_nhood = find_nhood(el,nhoods) # None if the nhood isn't a match
    end = time.time()
    print 'reconstructing took %s seconds' %(end-start)
    return neighborhoods
def find_nhood(el, nhoods):
    # given a pixel, checks the 3,5 and 8-membered neighborhoods
    corners, sides, middles = nhoods
    try_corner = check_nhoods(el,corners)
    if try_corner:
        return try_corner
    try_side = check_nhoods(el,sides)
    if try_side:
        return try_side
    try_middle = check_nhoods(el,middles)
    if try_middle:
        return try_middle
    return None

def mean_q1(nhood):
    # given a group of pixels, returns mean q1
    mean = 0
    for el in nhood:
        mean += el[0]
    return mean/len(nhood)

def check_nhoods(el,neighborhoods):
    # this function takes a pixel and a list of neighborhoods, then returns 
    # the nhood that satisfies pixel_law
    for n in neighborhoods:
        if round(el[1],10) == round(mean_q1(n),10): #ok the rounding is weird. Apparently np.random.shuffle creates some kind of rounding error??
            return n

class Puzzle:
    # given a list of [pixel,neighborhood] pairs, reconstructs a consistent
    # arrangement. A feature, not a bug: it's blind to symmetries of rotation/
    # reflection.
    # strategy: randomly fill one corner, fill one side, then the other side, then move to (1,1) and repeat
    def __init__(self, nhoods):
        self.nhoods = nhoods
        self.grid = [[]]
        self.corners = [el for el in self.nhoods if len(el[1]) == 3]
        self.sides = [el for el in self.nhoods if len(el[1]) == 5]
        self.filling = [el for el in self.nhoods if len(el[1]) == 8]
        print 'corners: %s' %len(self.corners)
        print 'sides: %s' %len(self.sides)
        print 'filling: %s' %len(self.filling)
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.used = []
        self.rows = 0
        self.columns = 0
    def fill_xside(self):
        # it's
        while self.x==0:
    def fill_yside(self):
        while self.y==0:
    def add_xside(self):
        x,y = self.x, self.y #the last added square
        leftbound = self.grid[x][y] #the element to the left
        otherside = self.grid[x][y-1]
        if otherside == leftbound:
            otherside = []
        visible_corner = [c for c in self.corners if c[0] in leftbound[1] and c[0] not in self.used]
        if visible_corner:
            vc = visible_corner[0]
            self.rows = self.y
            self.x += 1
            self.y = 0
            side_candidates = [s for s in self.sides if s[0] in leftbound[1] and s[0] not in self.used]
            if otherside:
                side_candidates = [s for s in side_candidates if s[0] not in otherside[1]]
            self.y += 1
    def add_yside(self):
        x,y = self.x, self.y #where to start
        leftbound = self.grid[x][y] #the element to the left
        otherside = self.grid[x-1][y]
        if otherside == leftbound:
            otherside = []
        visible_corner = [c for c in self.corners if c[0] in leftbound[1] and c[0] not in self.used]
        if visible_corner:
            vc = visible_corner[0]
            self.columns = self.x
            self.y += 1
            self.x = 0
            side_candidates = [s for s in self.sides if s[0] in leftbound[1] and s[0] not in self.used]
            if otherside:
                side_candidates = [s for s in side_candidates if s[0] not in otherside[1]]

            self.x += 1

    def fill(self):
        for column in range(1,self.columns+2):
            for row in range(1,self.rows+2):
                #start with (1,1)
                target = [column,row]  #?
                n1 = self.grid[column-1][row-1][1]
                n2 = self.grid[column][row-1][1]
                n3 = self.grid[column-1][row][1]
                newbox = [box for box in self.nhoods if box[0] in n1 and box[0] in n2 and box[0] in n3]
    def solve(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

def listify(nhoods):
    # turns our ndarrays into simple lists, for easy working
    list_nhoods = []
    for group in nhoods:
        pq1,pq2 = group[0]
        pixel = [pq1,pq2]
        nhood = [[float(el[0]),float(el[1])] for el in group[1]]
    return list_nhoods        
def format_grid(grid):
    # removes neighborhoods
    new_grid = []
    for row in grid:
        nrow = []
        for el in row:
    return new_grid

def rebuild_world(neighborhoods):
    # takes a list of neighborhoods, creates a Puzzle instance, solves it, returns arranged grid.
    puzzle = Puzzle(neighborhoods)
    return puzzle.grid

def draw(world):
    # gotta see things
    q1 = [[el[0] for el in row] for row in world]
    q2 = [[el[1] for el in row] for row in world]

    plt.title('World q1:')

    plt.title('World q2:')

In [6]:
world = Color_world() # random starting point
In [7]:
In [8]:
world.draw() # here are the initial quantity patters.
In [9]:
world.shuffled = shuffler( # randomize!
In [10]:
world.reconstructed = reconstruct(world.shuffled) # returns the correct neighborhood structure
reconstructing took 24.4607880116 seconds
In [11]:
# use the neighborhood structure to rearrange the randomize pixels
world.puzzle = format_grid(rebuild_world(listify(world.reconstructed))) 
corners: 4
sides: 12
filling: 9
In [12]:
# As a reminder: here's what we started with:
In [13]:
# Here's our reconstructed world: (since the laws don't care about rotations or reflections, 
# these might be simple transformations of the starting point.)
In [14]:
# I thought it might be possible to speed this up by using a generator instead of creating a
# list of neighborhoods.
    #     - generate neighborhoods as we go, instead of generating all first then checking them
    #     - assume there will be a unique correct neighborhood, so stop as soon as one is found.

# It's a little faster: ~18s vs ~26s

def try_nhoods2(w,el,n):
    # take all n-membered hoods in w, check if it satisfies the law
    nhooditer = (itertools.combinations(w,n))
    target = round(el[1],10) 
    for nhood in nhooditer:
        attempt = round(mean_q1(nhood),10)
        if target == attempt:
#             print 'found: %s == %s' %(target, attempt)
            return nhood
    return None
def reconstruct2(w):
    start = time.time()
    neighborhoods = []
    for el in w:
    end = time.time()
    print 'reconstructing took %s seconds' %(end-start)
    return neighborhoods
def find_nhood2(w,el):
    try_corner2 = try_nhoods2(w,el,3)
    if try_corner2:
        return try_corner2
    try_side2 = try_nhoods2(w,el,5)
    if try_side2:
        return try_side2
    try_middle2 = try_nhoods2(w,el,8)
    if try_middle2:
        return try_middle2
In [15]:
generator_version = reconstruct2(world.shuffled)
reconstructing took 18.2152028084 seconds
In [ ]: